TRAVERSE Global v11.1

Detail History Report

Use the Detail History Report to view a customer's posted transactions. The report shows which items are sold, when they are sold, and the amount each item is sold for.

  1. Use the Data Filter to select the range of filtering options or leave the filter blank to include all available data.
  2. Select From and Thru dates in the Date sectopm to limit the report to transactions between those two dates. Leave the field blank to include all transactions.
  3. Select whether to view a detailed or summary view of the detail history report by selecting the appropriate type from the Type section.
  4. Select the sort criteria for the report from the Sort By section.
  5. Select whether to view Invoice Line Items, Payments, Finance Charges, or All in the detail history report from the View section.
  6. Select the Sales Tax, Freight Charges, Misc Charges, and Additional Descriptions check boxes, if applicable, to include the selected additional information in the report.
    Note: These options are only available if you select Detail in the Type section.
  7. Select to include Transactions, Voids, or Both in the Include section, if applicable, to include that information in the report.
  8. Select whether to print for the base units or selling units in the report from the Report Unit section.
    Note: These options are only available if you select Detail in the Type section.
  9. Select whether to print the report in base currency using the Print All In Base check box in the Report Currency section.
    Note: If you clear this check box, you can select a different currency from the drop-down menu.
  10. Click a command button to
  11. Click To
    Print Process the Detail History Report.
    Output Output the report as a PDF.
    Send Save the report as a PDF and attach it to an email using your default mail program.
    Preview View a preview of the Detail History Report.
    Reset Set all fields to their default values.